We have identified four key workstreams for the overall work programme:
- Site-specific projects
- Data and information
- Wetland establishment
- Engagement schedule and approach
In developing the programme of activity, we used a principle-based approach to ensure projects aligned with the outcomes being sought, balanced with a ‘no regrets’ project strategy. These principles are:
- Take a holistic approach to planning delivery of works with other community, stakeholders, and iwi – looking across governance and management approaches for the Mataura River system, to ensure on the ground works are seamless and reflect community and stakeholders’ interests.
- Underpin all that is done through relationships with mana whenua - connecting policy to delivery on the ground; and uplifting the health and well-being of whānau.
- Strong foundational information and data – the development and iteration of the Mataura River GIS viewer, accompanied with understanding of wider data sets and information available from across providers. The aim of the tool is to aid decision making on future projects and operations based on data, bringing together information in the public domain into one tool for viewing.
- Enhanced collaboration – across agencies, with local government, iwi, and communities. Demonstrating and ability to augment delivery, through new and collective delivery partners.
- ‘No regrets’ projects – projects delivered in the short term provide a testing opportunity with no downstream impact on other projects or deliverables.
- Invest in landscape scale projects where learnings have multiple applications across a variety of contexts and environmental settings and are scalable in nature.
We will know our programme is successful if we are able to:
- Improve our data and information to inform future projects, including sequencing and options.
- Use data and information to model a range of investment scenarios to meet compliance minimums through to optimal environmental condition to inform future investment decisions.
- Enhance collaboration across agencies, with local government, iwi and communities; and
- Deliver projects that look to pilot, test, or try a new model of delivery at specific sites.